Entire marketing mix
A brand is indivisible. This is why mindline supports its customers in all marketing decisions, being product and packaging to price and communication, or brand positioning to customer satisfaction.
Regardless of it being a continuation of your established research standards combined with our proven mindline instruments or developing tailor-made tools that precisely cover your wishes and needs.

mindline helps to optimally coordinate all elements of marketing. That is what makes brands strong. And satisfies customers.
Full scale toolbox
Don’t use a hammer to turn a screw into a wall. In very the same sense, every question needs specific methods. And every company needs different results to support decisions in the best possible way.
mindline is happy to advise its customers as to the most suitable approach for their respective knowledge goal. And doing this, choose from a wide spectrum of survey and evaluation methods: whether quantitative or qualitative, classic or innovative, online or in a test studio, at the consumer’s home or POS, statistically precise or psychologically valid. Here are a few exciting highlights:
VIPER: The mindline e-store simulation
The VIrtual POS TestER (VIPER) combines the implicit measurement of shopper behaviour with classic diagnostic test procedures such as concept tests.
The user experience of VIPER corresponds to the standard of well-known players – with features such as hit list, watch list, shopping cart, checkout – and can be adapted to customer-specific requirements at any time (e.g. mass market vs. pharmacy).
VIPER can be operated via classic desktops and notebooks as well as via mobile devices.
The realistic shopping environment enables direct competitive benchmarking.
Baseline Studies 2.0 Modular U&A
Thanks to a modular approach, U&A studies can be conducted faster, cheaper and more holistically overall. And easier and shorter for respondents, making them more mobile – in short: better overall!
Flexibility: Maximum interview length of a module of 15 minutes increases the mobile suitability, improves the work flow and thus increases the reliability of the results.
Universality: Conducting interviews on mobile devices increases the accessibility of young target groups without self-selection and simplifies the use of multimedia feedback from the respondents.
Modularity: Central individual modules are Needs & Attitudes, Usage Routines, Brand Penetration, Brand Image, Motivational Map and Shopper Behaviour.
Category Entry Points: The path to growth
Analysis of Category Entry Points (CEPs) and market potentials based on the theories of Prof. Byron Sharp (‘How Brands Grow’).
Qualitative extraction of the central CEPs, quantitative weighting of their market significance and determination of the respective top-of-mind brands.
Strong brands are associated with multiple CEPs – this is proven by years of academic research.
To seize a brand’s appropriate and attainable CEPs increases its penetration and thus secures future growth.
Visual Conjoint: What you see is what you get.
Photorealistic representation of all possible product combinations for conjoint tasks.
Enables analysis of preference effects regarding varied package information as well as design features via conjoint.
Not only higly releavant for packaging, but also for all technical devices or products where design and visuality play an important role.
Realistic simulation of the selection behavior leads to particularly valid conjoint results.
mindline SemioSphere: Images are the key to the soul
Implicit measurement of the emotionality of a brand using visual stimuli. Including all its manifestations of life from communication to packaging.
Intuitive and entertaining assignment tasks for the test persons ensure psychological validity.
Calibration of the images to the six facets of the mindline SemioSphere, the semantic core dimensions of human aspiration and experience.
The output: The emotional profile of a brand in a competitive environment. Or the emotional consistency of an entire brand system.
Online Ethnography via In-Home Video
Cost-effective option for ethnographic videos within the scope of quantitative surveys.
Unfiltered, direct quotes of the test persons make quantitative results more tangible.
Barrier-free recording of spontaneous opinions without interference from keyboard inputs.
Usable on desktop PCs with webcam as well as for mobile device participation.
Possible integration into ongoing online interviews , optionally also filtered/depending on prior answers.
Chatbot: Dynamic enquiry using AI
In times of customer experience and customer centricity, customer feedback is considered particularly valuable.
The potential to generate customer feedback by means of open ended questions is rarely successfully exploited. Most of the time, just the surface is scratched.
Our solution: Dynamic enquiries via chatbot to deepen the thoughts or feelings of the respondents.
The underlying AI technology comes from our cooperation partner Cauliflower – a successful start-up for semantic analyses and their visualisation.
Webcam-based eye tracking: measuring eye movement online
An implicit procedure that contributes significantly to the optimisation of packaging designs and communication material.
The webcam-based method is relatively cost-efficient – especially in comparison to the classical method in a studio.
Heat maps and eye-tracking analyses can be used to determine high- vs. low-attention regions of the stimulus material.
Depending on the stimulus material, it can also be combined with webcam-based emotional coding.
Webcam-based Emotional coding
Online measurement of involuntary, emotional reactions to TV commercials on a PC or notebook.
Measures the type and extent of emotionality triggered by the overall ad and individual scenes.
Can detect weak reactions that are often hidden from even trained observers.
Comprehensively usable – also internationally – not only in large cities with test studios.
Reduces fieldwork costs and therefore can be used more often or with more subjects.
Audio fingerprinting for advertisement tracking
Factual measurement of advertising contacts – as opposed to couscious anwering by respondents – provides more validity for spot recognition and campaign dependent metrics.
App-based background capture of audio-visual advertising media, comparable to ‘Shazam’.
Automatically captures advertising contacts, regardless of the medium, whether radio, TV or online.
Efficient fingerprinting technology allows 24/7 tracking in accordance to data protection regulations.
smoove: Automated market research/ DIY
Thanks to in-house programming expertise at mindline analytics, mindline has its own agile DIY platform: smoove.
smoove offers guided DIY market research in the area of tension between standardisation vs. agility.
smoove ensures efficient processes and time & cost savings through standardised processes and user-friendly questionnaire wizards.
smoove allows customised study content to be integrated at any time by our experienced programmers and thus offers maximum flexibility.
During the entire market research process, an experienced researcher is at your side if needed.
DIY design test with automated shelf set-up
For DIY studies – via smoove – a virtual shelf setup solution can be integrated. This way, KPI results are available within 72h.
Simple set-up: Images of test designs and other shelf products can be uploaded to smoove and labelled as desired.
Editable design: Product images are automatically displayed on a shelf embedded in a shop environment. The product arrangement can be easily adjusted.
Output: Online dashboard incl. export function for native ppt-charts.
Extensive know-how of trades
Context defines meaning. That is why research can only develop its full power if when interpreted in the light of market-specific perception patterns and impact factors. mindline can build on an extensive knowledge base regarding all relevant markets. From food to finance, face cream to forklift trucks, newspapers to cigarettes, from stationary retail to the digital economy.