
E-Commerce & Online Category Management

With our online shopper research methods, we provide in-depth key insights into shopper behaviour, missions, and buying moments in the competitive e-commerce environment. We support you in selecting and presenting products, setting prices, and analyzing sales data to improve the shopping experience and increase your revenue. We use the following tools for this:

  • mindline e-store / e-commerce simulation
  • Eye-tracking via webcam
  • UX research
  • Optimisation of the information architecture
  • Rapid prototyping
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Further methods & tools

Visit our page on Category Management & Trade Marketing for the retail sector and find out how you can optimise your shelf placement using Shopper Research & Insights.

Category Management & Trade Marketing

Using modern methods, we provide the best strategies to effectively place your products on the shelf and not only increase your brand growth but also the growth of the entire category.

Find out more about shopper activation and POS marketing with the help of segmentation.

Shopper Activation & POS Marketing

To place a product in the best possible way at the POS in today’s sensory overload, it is essential to understand which shopper types exist (in a category) and how they can be activated most effectively in brick-and-mortar retail and e-commerce.

Visit our page on the topic of retailer branding and find out how we can help you to anchor your brand more effectively in the minds of your customers.

Retailer Brand

We support you with the latest methods to anchor your retailer brand in the minds of shoppers as top of mind in the competitive environment. We take into account current trends and developments as well as the latest technologies.

Find out on this page how we can support you with (new) product development, design relaunches or line extensions.

Product Development & Concept Testing

You want to develop a new product, test a design relaunch, or add a line extension to your product portfolio to address all shopper needs? We support you with our highly advanced methods, which are always up to date with the latest research.

Find out more about our extensive options for supporting you in optimising your web shop at all levels of shopper friendliness.

Web Shop Optimisation

We offer you comprehensive options to optimise your web shop in terms of shopper-friendliness on all levels. Our online shopper research methods provide detailed analysis and actionable recommendations to keep the shopper engaged throughout the entire online journey, up until the purchase, in the competitive e-commerce environment.

E-Commerce & Online Category Management

With our online shopper research methods, we provide in-depth key insights into shopper behaviour, missions, and buying moments in the competitive e-commerce environment. We support you in selecting and presenting products, setting prices, and analyzing sales data to improve the shopping experience and increase your revenue.

The mindline group’s sector specialists.

Quantitative Studien, von der Markt­segmen­tierung bis zum Marken-Tracking
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