Qualitative research at mindline: inspiring, international – and always with an impact.

Do you have questions that require a particularly deep understanding of cultures, people and brands? Would you like to develop products and communication strategies that generate true brand love?

If so, we look forward to getting to know you. Because mindline explore is the hub for our qualitative research experts at mindline.

People are at the core of all our research – whether these are explorative, creative or validating.

We love qualitative stand-alone projects! But we enjoy integrated qualitative-quantitative research designs even more.

We work in (almost) all sectors and categories. Whether B2C or B2B. With adults and children. In Germany, Europe and worldwide. Analogue and digital.

And always according to our key principles: Individual Approaches – Inspiring Insights – Actionable Recommendations.

A team that is just as individual as your questions.

We are all both generalists and experts – for different methods, sectors and issues. What unites us is our curiosity and our joy of discovery. Enthusiastically, we translate insights into concise and relevant recommendations that contribute to the success of our clients‘ brands and products.


Our approach: tailor-made and not one size fits all!

At mindline explore, we don’t sell standard solutions. We always think hard about how to best tackle your question and individual challenge. No matter the approach – ethnographic, exploratory, creative or validating – we do research close to and with the target group. Both in people’s analogue or digital lives. We offer online communities, UX research, social media recruitment, influencer think tanks and design thinking workshops. We are also still very much fond of the classic in-depth interviews and focus groups – but preferably with a twist!

Global Excellence. Made in Germany.

We work out of our offices in Hamburg and Berlin – but know both the country and the world. We love regional and global issues equally. Over many years, our team has gathered cross-sector expertise all over the world. So if you want to know what moves northern German farmers when it comes to tractor tyres or want to understand Chinese GenZ‘s concept of luxury – we got you covered!

Results with Style, Substance and Stickiness!

As important and relevant as results are – unless they trigger an eye-opening moment and keep sticking, nothing is gained. We combine analytic rigour with stickitainment. That’s why our presentations and debriefs are always like a good movie: with a great set design, a well thought-out storyline, suspense arcs and moments of surprise – and (usually) with a happy ending. Whether in a classic ppt format, as a results film or even as a podcast.

1 + 1 makes more than 2!

We love cooperation and collaboration. Both with our clients and with our mindline colleagues. Together with our quantitative team, we execute sophisticated integrated qual-quant studies without friction and with added insight value. And through close cooperation with our specialised mindline entities, we offer expertise and comprehensive knowledge in healthcare, travel, energy, media and human resources.

C. Pudelko
Senior Multimedia Design Manager
+49 (0)40 790 907 20

“My best project experience: building an icon for the “spoon” position for a questionnaire on the topic of relationships and physical closeness. (All other icons already existed).”

C. Antoni
Research Director
+49 (0)30 30 83 38 664

“What I love about qualitative research is that it is like ‘journalism for brands’: you think about unusual questions about brands, products and consumer lifestyles – and you get new and inspiring insights into everyday rituals, brand preferences and user hacks. In the end you are always smarter than before. And the client too.”

E. Brokos

Office Managerin
+49 (0)40 80 81 09 793

“My favourite: a qual-quant project helped transforming a 1.5-minute image pitch film into an advertising campaign that was equally popular in 6 very different countries without ignoring their specific cultures and mentalities. The icing on the cake: Facial coding to measure emotional impact. #mindblowing”

I. Korsten
Research Director
+49 (0)30 30 83 38 662

“What I love most: every single project in which I am able to visit participants at home and immerse myself in their very personal world – be it alone or together with clients, a cameraman and translators.”

J. Kirchner
Senior Research Consultant
+49 (0)40 790 907 14

“My all time highlight: a “Meet the Audience” day with media professionals and children, where we were able to use a school as a location for the day and learned a lot – but, above all, we had a lot of fun playing schoolyard games, Twister & Co.”

J. Buri
Research Director
+49 (0)40 790 907 27

“The most exciting project is always the next project. Because every topic allows you to learn something new about people/markets/brands – at least if you approach the work with sufficient intrinsic curiosity and emphatically delve into the way the target group thinks.”

L. Frahm

Research Consultant
+49 (0)40 790 907 18

“Immersing yourself in the lives of teleshopping fanatics was particularly great. In the beginning I had little understanding for shopping TV as a breakfast pastime or background entertainment. Not only did I realize how my own perspective on topics changed, but also how important it is to have 1.5 kilos of toilet powder at home.”

L. Mix
Research Director
+49 (0)30 30 83 38 665

“One of the most exciting projetcs: a positioning research for a cognac brand in China. I found the prevailing pragmatism and the quite blatant openness of the Chinese incredibly fascinating and I learned that cognac is largely consumed as a shot or mixed with champagne right in the champagne bucket… which probably explains why China is one of the largest markets for cognac.”

M. Bogdanova

Research Consultant
+49 (0)40 790 907 24

“As a consumer, you rarely think about the fact that behind the objects of everyday life – food packaging, kitchen appliances, the arrangement of items in fashion shops – there is a lot of work, brainpower and planning. As a market researcher, you look behind the scenes and investigate what so often is taken for granted.”

M. Krause

Research Consultant
+49 (0)40 790 907 19

“Visiting people with very different lifestyles at home and talking to them about their consumer behavior and brand preferences was an unforgettable experience.  In every project, with every topic, there are different people waiting to provide new insights and surprises.”

M. Bauermann

Senior Account Manager
+49 (0)40 790 907 23

“My highlights so far: testing monitor designs on a train from Nuremberg to Würzburg. Watching chicken soup being cooked from scratch in Buenos Aires. And sitting in people’s living rooms to understand what Germans want from a robot vacuum cleaner.”

N. Keller

Research Director
+49 (0)30 30 83 386 611

“I never get bored of thinking about things that you normally don’t waste a thought on, talking to people I would never have met otherwise, experiencing cultural differences first hand and working together with customers to find creative solutions for the big and small problems of everyday life.”

O. Schieleit
Head of Qualitative Research
+49 (0)30 30 83 38 663

“My dearest research experience among many others: a co-creation project for the campaign development on the topic of “Social Acceptance” with representatives of the LGBTQI* community – rarely have I been so moved by the personal stories of project participants and I definitely learned a lot for my own life.”

Senior Account Manager
+49 (0)40 790 907 22

“My most interesting research project to date: implicit needs in household management. It’s always exciting to experience consumers ‘up close’ and visit them at home. In addition to the interview, implicit needs and values can be discovered and observed. Through this study I dare to say: Show me your kitchen and I’ll tell you who you are.”

Research Director
+49 (0)40 790 907 12

“The coolest research experiences: crusing through San Francisco with “Silver Drivers” to learn about their requirements towards driver assistance systems. And to research the jury of a very well-known German casting show.”


Research Consultant UX
+49 (0)40 80 81 09 812

“The biggest challenge so far: a project on the role of sustainability in the investment process. A real puzzle work of bringing together usability and legal requirements in order to create a process that satisfies both users and the bank’s legal department.”

Research Director
+49 (0)30 30 83 38 667

“One of my highlights: home visits and shop-alongs in Chicago to understand the purchase and use of plantains. In addition to some interesting recipes, I gained a lot of insights into a wide variety of American lives from academic households to retirement homes, from Whole Foods shoppers to Walmart fans.”

Research Director UX
+49 (0)40 80 81 09 814

“I like holistic and agile multi-method projects. One of those was a deep-dive into information needs with regard to info screens on trains. From the needs analysis via co-creation (including impressive scribblings by a Deutsche Bahn designer), to testing a prototype with eye tracking at Germany’s most complex train station in Berlin.”

Senior Research Dog


A deep dive into the media experiences of children aged 4-12 from 22 families.

100+ hours of film material from 4 days of auto-ethnographic video diaries.

Documentation and own commentary of real media moments of the children: on the tablet, on the smartphone, on the computer or while watching TV.

The parents, as our co-researchers, support their child in filming themselves using media and commenting on their experiences.

Tangible synergies in qualitative-quantitative projects thanks to the personal and spatial integration of both research fields at mindline.

Close coordination for customised cross-method solutions right from the proposal phase.

Project teams consisting of qualitative and quantitative experts ensure good dialogue, short coordination paths and the best possible results.

The best of both worlds: Qualitative expertise as a pas de deux for the preparation or consolidation of quantitative studies.

Influencers and their followers – a special social communication space. Used as a rich source of qualitative insights.

Project-specific casting of suitable influencers with compatible areas of interest.

Particularly authentic results through established dialogue structures, high involvement and empathic peer-to-peer understanding.

Ideal in the run-up to ideation workshops, for category trend scouting or for the timely exploration of specific topics.
Photographic self-portrayal has become a cultural technique that can be used for research purposes.

Online boards in combination with the smartphone camera offer authentic and research-economical insights into everyday consumer life.

Test subjects let us look into kitchens and bathrooms, cars and sports bags. And allow further exploration and deep insights into the reality of their lives.

There are many possible applications: as pre- or post-tasks in topic explorations, for in-home use tests and in user experience research.

A selection of our customers.

Quantitative studies, from market segmentation to brand tracking

Specialist for the energy market and mystery shopping

Michael Briem

Specialist for media research

Specialist for finance & services/ customer-centric brands

Specialist in shopper and retail research

Jörg Kunath

Specialist for the travel industry

Qualitative research – right up close to the target group

Your specialist for market research in the healthcare sector

User experience research in real and virtual life

Employer branding specialist

Michael Briem

Dashboarding and automation in the research process